Our Story

Learn more about our story and the team behind hotelzify

Build AI-driven
innovation and
automation in
hospitality tech

Started in 2020, Hotelzify started with the core mission to empower hoteliers reach 1 Million direct bookings/year.
Oct 2022
Incorporated in Bangalore, India
Dec 2022
150+ Hotels and more than 2.4 Mn in Revenue
Aug 2023
Raised Investment from TBO.com, All In Capital and Angel Investors
Have 5 AI-backed products with over 1800+ hotels in India and Abroad.
Hotels love us because we help them improve profits and secure more bookings through our AI ad engine which creates and updates campaigns across platforms (Google, Facebook, Instagram). Our unique AI-Backed Ads Engine doubles (2X) the number of direct bookings and triples (3X) the booking value.
CEO, Co-Founder

Anirudh Ganesh

CTO, Co-Founder

Unnikrishnan C J

Front End Ninja

Shilpa Sreek

New Initiatives

Supriya Mishra

UI/UX Consultant

Megha Rao

Back End Ninja

Akshay RR

Product and App

Srinivas M R

Lead Developer


Sales Manager

Mushahida Taj

Success Ninja


Director, Sales

Vaibhav Jain

Product and Success

Faisal Moosa

Success Lead

Saddam Shaikh

Success Manager

Abhishek Jha

Sales Manager

Gawtam Bhat

Full Stack Ninja

Rameesul Yoonus

Take Your Hotel New Heights

Experience the best tools in the in industry and notice an increase in your revenue 10x with hotelzify.