Hotelzify 2.0 Released

Double Bookings for your Hotel

Be it an OTA or an Independent Hotel, our AI works for all!

Hotels & Brands Helped

We provide unique features that cater to your businesses

Our unique product suite ensures your hotel can amplify its reach with Hotelzify.

For Hotels

Creating a website is now effortless with just a few clicks. Boost sales with AI-driven ads and capture leads.

For OTAs

Our AI ad engine optimizes every dollar spent with real-time updates based on demand and seasonality.


A single platform for all your marketing efforts

Enhance your hotel's visibility, manage reviews with AI, and unify chat inquiries seamlessly.

Create a Website

Creating a website has never been simpler. Just four steps and tadaah! Your website is up and running in no time.

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Boost Sales with AI Ads

Our advanced AI algorithms analyses past data, booking patterns and hot dates to optimize ad campaigns and bids automatically, ensuring your ads are always in front of the right audience, at the right time.

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Capture every Visitor

Hotelzify brings you a plethora of leads to connect with, retarget and convert most of the website visitors.

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Unified Chat Interface

Check guest inquiries from all the apps: WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Google Business Profile and other at a single place.

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Supercharge your marketing with AI

Sick of tracking competitors' prices? Our tool alerts you instantly to any changes, keeping you ahead effortlessly.

Hotel Ads

Our proprietary AI ad engine makes every dollar work smarter to get the best you deserve. Real time campaign and bid updates basis change in demand, traffic and seasonality.

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Rate Intelligence

Sick of tracking competitors prices multiple times a day? Let our iconic tool alert you everytime it happens.

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Wondering how Hotelzify makes the Direct Booking Solution for you?
Let us tell you how…

Whether you are a global chain or an individual property, we provide all you need. We specialize in building custom software solutions that meet your unique business requirements, ensuring scalability, security, and optimal performance.

AI is at the heart of everything we do

Our websites leverage the latest technology to make sure your website has optimal performance, speed, and reliability.

Google and Meta Partnership

We are Google Hotel Centre, Google Ads API and Google My Business API and Meta connectivity partners.

Enhanced User Experience

We believe everyone does not need to be tech-savvy. 
So our UI is simple. You don’t even need someone’s help to navigate. No trouble, just straight to making $$$.

Helping hotels make better data driven decisions using Hotelzify AI

Read Our Story

Serving the Industry With

Hotelzify provides a fast and secure platform for hotels to streamline Your Hotel Operations through Website Building, Google Hotel Ads, and More!

5000+ hotels worldwide

Across 7+ countries

110,000 bookings through our partners


Creating a stellar experience for OYO

Our AI ad engine optimized OYO's marketing spend by providing real-time updates based on demand and seasonality, ensuring ads reached the right audience and boosted conversions. Additionally, our rate intelligence tool alerted OYO to competitors' price changes instantly, allowing for quick strategic adjustments.

AI based hotel Ads

Monthly Bookings of more than $50,000

ROAS of 12X

50% more returns than previous solution providers


What hotels are saying about us

I like the way they have designed the website, it's user friendly and they charge less commission. It's easy to use for most parts and it gives access to the staff as well and they do it for free, thats a bonus.


10 to 24 room Limited Service & Budget Hotel in Bengaluru (India)

It's a wonderful startup with a amazing tech solution company which works as a OTAs providing realtime genuine bookings.24*7 customer support team is available to help in all aspects.App and website is so relevant to use for the customers and patrons.

General Manager


Hotelzify is the best tool to get direct bookings. There ad engine optimizes our ads in such a manner that the cost is lowest.

Front Office Manager

25-49 room City Center Hotel in Bengaluru

Still in Doubt?

Find answers to commonly asked questions

Why should I consider having my own website?

Having your own website allows you to bypass commissions lost to online travel agencies (OTAs) like Booking, MMT, and Goibibo, enabling guests to book directly with you and promoting your own branding.

What do I require to create my website?

Simply download the Hotelzify app onto your mobile phone and follow four straightforward steps to set up your website for accepting bookings.

How are online payments processed?

Payments are facilitated through our partner Razorpay and are automatically settled into your account on the check-in date. You just need to input your bank details into the app, and settlements will be handled seamlessly.

How can I attract bookings to my website?

As Google Hotel Partners, Hotelzify sends your property prices and inventory to Google, improving your property's ranking with an official site tag. Additionally, you can leverage social media and WhatsApp to drive more traffic and bookings to your website.

What initial investment is required?

No initial investment is necessary. Hotelzify operates on a pay-per-booking model, meaning you're only charged when you receive bookings. However, if you desire a custom website, feel free to reach out to us for assistance.

Is there support available for technical issues?

Yes, Hotelzify provides comprehensive technical support to assist you with any issues or questions you may encounter. Our team is readily available to help you navigate the website management process smoothly.